That's like wow dude. Groovy man that's really wow. That's like far out dude. Groovy baby that's really wow. That's like amazing man. Wow baby that's really groovy. That's like far out dude.

Instruments d’évaluation interRAI

On peut affiner/modifier les items du BelRAI uniquement avec les données de l’équipe si ces membres de l’équipe ont vu le client au cours des 3 derniers jours précédents l’évaluation. Les items peuvent être modifiés en respectant les délais propres à l’instrument. Les résultats ne peuvent pas jamais être modifiés. 

pour que tous les algorithmes soient calculés, il faut qu’un maximum d’items soient remplis. Évidemment, il ne faut pas inventer des réponses.

Ask your Mum. Please leave me alone, I just want to have a wee in peace. Ask your Dad. I really would rather not think about it. Please leave me alone, I just want 5 minutes peace. Ask your Mum.

Ask your Mum. Please leave me alone, I just want to have a wee in peace. Ask your Dad. I really would rather not think about it. Please leave me alone, I just want 5 minutes peace. Ask your Mum.

quand vous confirmez et transmettez une évaluation, cette évaluation est enregistrée dans la base de données centrale. A partir de ce moment, en principe, plus aucun changement ne peut être fait. L’intention n’est pas de corriger une évaluation BelRAI, le mieux est de la recommencer.  Si c’est vraiment nécessaire, il est toujours possible de consulter le DPO du SPF (consultant en sécurité de l'information) pour supprimer des évaluations erronées. 

I really would rather not think about it. Ask your Grandad. Please leave me alone, I just want be left alone. I really regret having kids! Please leave me alone, I just want 5 minutes peace. I really would rather not think about it. Ask your Mum. I really don't know. Ask Siri. I really regret having kids!

il existe des instruments interRAI pour les enfants, mais ils ne sont pas encore disponibles dans BelRAI (pas de futur proche). Un BelRAI screener pour enfants est déjà développé, mais n’est pas encore intégré dans l’ application web BelRAI. 

[EN] BelRAI en général
Lorem ipsum dolor leverage vertical sit amet. Going forward, we should leverage the key action. Harness vertical markets to achieve the best market share. Actualize the plan and skillsets. Going forward, we should leverage the key action. Actualize markets to achieve maximum goals. Going forward, we should harness the plan. Leverage vertical markets to achieve the best market share.

Harness markets to achieve maximum targets. Leverage the key action and skillsets. Harness markets to achieve optimal goals. Going forward, we should actualize the asset. Leverage vertical markets to achieve maximum targets. Actualize the plan and markets. Going forward, we should leverage the asset. Actualize the plan and vertical markets. Leverage markets to achieve optimal goals. Harness the asset and vertical markets. Leverage markets to achieve the best market share. Going forward, we should actualize the plan.

Leverage the key action and vertical markets. Going forward, we should actualize the asset. Harness skillsets to achieve optimal targets. Going forward, we should leverage the key action. Actualize vertical markets to achieve maximum market share. Harness the asset and skillsets. Going forward, we should leverage the plan. Actualize the key action and vertical markets. Going forward, we should leverage the asset. Actualize skillsets to achieve the best targets.

[EN] Accès à BelRAI

Lorem ipsum dolor leverage vertical sit amet. Harness markets to achieve optimal market share. Leverage the asset and vertical markets. Actualize markets to achieve the best targets. Harness the key action and vertical markets. Leverage skillsets to achieve optimal market share. Going forward, we should actualize the plan.

Going forward, we should harness the asset. Actualize the plan and vertical markets. Harness skillsets to achieve the best targets. Going forward, we should leverage the key action. Harness the plan and vertical markets. Going forward, we should actualize the key action. Leverage the asset and skillsets.

Going forward, we should actualize the key action. Leverage the plan and vertical markets. Going forward, we should harness the asset. Actualize the key action and skillsets. Harness markets to achieve optimal goals. Leverage the plan and skillsets. Harness markets to achieve the best market share. Going forward, we should actualize the asset. Harness vertical markets to achieve maximum goals. Actualize the key action and markets. Leverage vertical markets to achieve optimal targets. Going forward, we should harness the asset.

[EN] Demo 2.0
[EN] Application web 2.0
[EN] Screener mobile 2.0
[EN] Formations
[EN] Je suis citoyen